Honey Barley Banana Bread

Skip Breadcrumb HomeClinics & ProgramsELLICSR KitchenHoney Barley Banana Bread
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Preparation Time 10 minutes Total Time 75 minutes
Servings 8 Cost Per Serving $0.32
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Image of barley banana bread


4Ripe Bananas, mashed (about 1 1/2 cup)
1/2 cupPlain Yogurt
1 3/4 cupsBarley Flour (can be substituted with unbleached all-purpose flour)
1 tspBaking Soda
1/4 cupHoney
1/3 cupCreamy Almond or Peanut Butter
1 tspCinnamon
1 tspPure Vanilla Extract


  1. ​Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine mashed banana with yogurt, eggs, honey, almond butter, cinnamon and vanilla. Mix well until all the ingredients are evenly combined.
  3. Mix the baking soda into your flour and then slowly add the wet mixture, folding in until well mixed into the batter.
  4. Pour into an oiled or buttered loaf tin. Bake for about 55 to 65 minutes. Insert a toothpick, and it should come out clean when it’s fully cooked.


  • ​What do bananas and barley have in common? These foods are rich in soluble fibre, a type of fibre that absorbs water and forms a gel in your intestines. For this reason, they can all help to thicken your bowel movements, helping to manage diarrhea. By slowing the movement of food through your digestive tract, they can also help you absorb more nutrients from the food you eat.
  • Cancer survivors and people with Crohn’s disease are at a higher risk for osteoporosis (weak or brittle bones). There are several reasons for this. For example, steroid medications are used as treatments for some cancers and in Crohn’s disease and can cause less calcium to be absorbed by the body.  Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is important for strong bones.
  • People who have chronic diarrhea due to radiation treatment to the abdomen or pelvis, surgery to the intestines or Crohn’s disease may find that milk and some milk products make their side effects and symptoms worse. This is caused by intolerance to lactose, a natural sugar found in milk but not in yogurt. It is important to get enough calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. Milk products are excellent sources of these nutrients. Choose lactose-free milk and yogurt, which is lower in lactose. You may also choose milk alternatives, but make sure they are fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
  • Yogurt contains probiotics, healthy bacteria that promote healthy digestion and may help lower inflammation in the intestines. These healthy bacteria may be helpful for managing digestive issues and are being studied as a possible treatment for Crohn’s disease.